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Innovative project management system

Client background
ACTech Ltd is a startup company that undertakes design, installation, maintenance and service of electronic and pneumatic equipment, automation and control systems for ships and industries, in Greece and abroad.
For now ACTech is involved in management of large projects, mainly in the spheres of road infrastructure, trains, neighborhoods, etc. In recent times the company is working on a pilots project for leading tech companies.
Partnership quick facts
Dedicated Software Team
1 year
IT development
JavaScript, NodeJS, Angular, TypeScript, DHTMLX
6 high quality specialists
Team size
Partnership period
Product overview
ACTech has developed an innovative project management system (ACTECH) for tracking key points, monitoring execution and automating the work of contractors. ACTECH is a revolutionary and unique way to improve project management efficiency, to shorten project time and the overall cost of the project.

The system consists of 9 modules with 4 in the core:

System base
That includes all user registration and management processes, role settings, security, load compliance, etc.
Activity management module (gantt)
Fundamental and critical module that is using system activities as its work items including status and relations.
Reports module
Generates various statistic reports based on key project variables for regular project improvement.
Programs and documents module
Allows effectively manage all documents of the project.
Business challenge
ACTech realized that project management efficiency has become very low as it is done in few levels. Using various unintegrated tools made it hard to understand the exact status of each work item and what is really need to be done in order to make the project built. In addition, all parties of cooperation have lost motivation to speed up work and provide better response time.
long search for qualified engineers with a specific background;
high cost of in-house software development team + administrative expenses.
ACTech turned to FAYRIX
Initial team building
Fayrix formed initial team of 6 high quality software developers for ACTech for just a couple of weeks.
Each team member completed the test task and went through 3 stages of an interview with the customer:
in-depth interview with Fayrix technical specialist;
in-depth interview with ACTech Technical Lead.
on general technical issues;
Expert (5+ years) and Middle (3+ years)
Vacancy success ratio
Speed up the development process
NodeJS developers
Java script(Angular) developers
Full stack(JS, NodeJS, Angular)
QA Engineers
Tech lead
Task management & communication tools
In the absence of a in-house development team, Fayrix developers have become the main lead team in the project. The cooperation was implemented according to the FTE model, the team was managed by a project manager on the Fayrix side. The work process is based on usual for the client communication environment with daily calls with the client.
Software infrastructure:
•All infrastructure is based in the customer's cloud
Hardware infrastructure:
•Fayrix developer stations
Project results: team deliverables
A team of 6 highly qualified Fayrix developers allowed ACTech quickly develop and deploy a project management system and establish effective cooperation with contractors. Which in turn helped to reduce costs and focus on interaction with the customers. Fayrix team took over the main areas of responsibility: back-end development, front-end development, QA and Project management:
Back-end development
•Core of application
•Debugging work
•Unit testing
Front-end development
•High loaded interfaces (Java script, Angular, TypeScript)
•Adaptive UI
•Load testing
•Regress testing
•Manual testing
•API testing
Project management
•Milestone planning
•Backlog maintenance
Total economy on development per year
Average ACTech savings on development costs per month
ACTech system allowed improving the quality of work of contracting organizations and calculating the level of productivity of various project participants:
increasing the level of motivation and productivity of contractors up to 30%;

increasing efficiency — the number of tasks closed in time have rose up to 95%.
Project savings
Fayrix team for ACTech projects:
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