Fayrix technology competence

We provide our clients with the wide range of technologies and the most efficient development approaches to create an outstanding and effective solutions to boost up your business.
At Fayrix we realize that any organization may encounter problems of choosing the wrong technology or development approach. These issues may appear tactical, but can also have wide ranging impact on the successful and continuing operations of the overall business. So before starting any kind of project we carefully investigate your company's niche features, compare already implemented solutions and offer a stack of technologies that are most suitable for your specific situation.
What we can offer
For enterprises
Enterprise software has its own specific set of requirements. The architecture should be scalable, but cost-effective, safe, but user-friendly, and, above all, it should provide high-quality user services that produce results. Fayrix high quality engineers will help your company to build powerful enterprise software.
For tech companies
Development of high-tech solutions requires highly qualified specialists with the necessary niche work experience.
Sometimes tech companies are facing with the lack of experts on location. Fayrix team is ready to scale your IT department and bring innovations, relying on the most relevant technologies.
For startups
Startup companies may face many challenges during early development. Wide range of technologies can help them with a fast start and a successful market entry. Besides the use of cross-platform technologies can significantly reduce the MVP release time.

Back-end development

The back end of a website consists of a server, an application, and a database. A back-end developer builds and maintains the technology that powers those components which, together, enable the user-facing side of the website to even exist in the first place. In order to make the server, application, and database communicate with each other, back-end devs use server-side languages like PHP, Ruby, Python, Java, and .Net to build an application, and tools like MySQL, Oracle, and SQL Server to find, save, or change data and serve it back to the user in front-end code. At Fayrix we have a great experience in back-end development that you can check - from developing mobile platforms to building an advanced solution to manage the whole cycle of education process at schools.
Despite the fact that PHP was developed in 1994, it is still the most common language for server-side development. PHP is open source, and all features and updates are free to use. Today there are many popular projects based on PHP like Facebook or WordPress. Since it was designed specifically for the web, developers need less time to create websites with dynamic features.

Can be used for:
- Web applications. Is great and effective solution for the e-commerce platforms. For example, WooCommerce was also fully developed by PHP. It runs nearly half of all online purchases in the world.
- CMS development.
- Social networks.
  • Pros
    • PHP development provides many opportunities. With the proper level of knowledge, using the template engine you can create not only scripts for web applications, but also full-fledged programs.
    • Cross-platform development. PHP can be run on any operating system, including unixoids.
    • Free distribution. Perhaps PHP was not so popular for creating web-applications, if it were not free, like most tools for working with it. Analogs, which basically can do the same job, usually cost more.
    • Variety of training materials. That is why, if something doesn't work out for you, you can always look into the search engine: your problem, most likely, has already been encountered by someone.
    • Continuous development. The fact that so much is known about the template engine today means only one thing: they will cope with the shortcomings, sooner or later.
  • Cons
    • Narrow specialization. If you have learned PHP development, then probably you've got only one way - to the web. PHP is tuned for programming for the Internet.
    • Safety. The widespread use played a cruel joke: holes in PHP appears faster than developers manage to close them. It is difficult to predict everything.
    • Code discrepancies. PHP is full of various residues from different development languages. And all of them can even be concentrated in one expression of the code.
  • Summary
    • Low development cost.
    • Wide choice of candidates.
    • Fayrix cases with PHP: Pocket Doctor, app for the largest European railway company (nda).
Java is a programming language and computing platform that was first released in 1995. Java is fast, highly protected, and reliable. Despite the growing popularity of Go and Python, Java has remained at the top of the list for more than a decade. And its everywhere - from laptops to data centers, from game consoles to supercomputers used for scientific research, etc.

Can be used for:
- Android applications. Despite the active growth of Kotlin, Java is still the de facto main language of Android applications. Thus, all Java developers can very easily become Android programmers. Although Android uses the Android SDK instead of the JDK, however, the code is written in Java.
- Software products. Among other important things, Java was used to create Eclipse, OpenOffice, Gmail, Atlassian and others.
- Financial programs. Java is one of the most sought-after languages in financial industry. It is used to create reliable, fast and simple websites both on the server side and on the client side.
- POS. Many companies are using Java to create PoS systems, since their creation usually requires cross-platform and an extensive staff of specialists.
- Trading systems. One of the popular bank management program for front-end and feedback Murex was also written in Java.
- Big Data Software. What is more Hadoop was written in Java. Scala, Kafka and Spark use the JVM. In addition, Java provides access to many proven libraries, debugging and monitoring tools.
  • Pros
    • The highest portability of programs among all programming languages.
    • Powerful standard libraries.
    • Built-in network support (both local and Internet / Intranet).
    • Powerful Big Data Tools.
  • Cons
    • Low performance (in comparison with other languages), increased requirements to RAM volume.
    • Average entry threshold — large volume of standard libraries and technologies complicates language learning process.
    • Constant development of the language causes the presence of both obsolete and new tools that have the same functional purpose — a large number of legacy code.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Wide choice of candidates.
    • Fayrix cases with Java: Siloam, SCR, Fayrix Education Platform, app for the largest European railway company (nda).
A relatively young technology that is gaining popularity recently. Node.js is based on V8 JavaScript engine used by Google Chrome. This allows to achieve high performance without the use of multithreading. Having a single language on the stack breaks down communication barriers in a team and makes software development outsourcing easier to maintain.

Can be used for:
- Developing programs for the web, as well as for Linux, OS X and Windows.
- API formation, using NodeJS built-in libraries.
- Payment systems like PayPal that allows you to work with payments, without sharing financial information. Node helped to establish a connection between the browser and the server due to the fact that both sides are written in the same language.
- Web and mobile applications.
  • Pros
    • It can handle multiple requests simultaneously.
    • One language on the client and server. If a programmer has improved skills in JavaScript, it will be easier for him to learn the "add-on" than radically different technology.
    • Speed. Creating a working prototype to cope with the load does not take much time.
    • JavaScript syntax. Yes, you will have to learn new tools, but there will be many familiar things. This provides relative simplicity and accessibility.
  • Cons
    • Callback-hell.
    • Not suitable for multithreading.
    • Bad for computing.
    • A large number of third-party packages.
  • Summary
    • Development cost - above average.
    • Wide choice of candidates.
    • Fayrix cases with Java: ACTech, Fayrix Education Platform.
Go (Golang)
Go (also known as Golang) — is a fast, statically typed, compiled language that gives the impression of using a dynamically typed and interpreted language. Was developed by Google in 2007. Go supports dynamic data input, and also contains a rich standard library of functions and built-in data types such as arrays with dynamic size and associative arrays.

Can be used for:
- Network programming.
- Web services.
- Mobile applications for the end user.
- Cross-platform development.
  • Pros
    • Syntax simplicity and development speed.
    • High compilation speed (much higher than that of scripting languages).
    • A large number of built-in and third-party libraries (you can connect the C and C ++ libraries).
    • Simplicity in organizing multi-threaded programs using built-in tools.
    • Automatic memory management.
    • Does not use a virtual machine.
    • Community and Google support.
  • Cons
    • Callback-hell.
    • Not suitable for multithreading.
    • Bad for computing.
    • A large number of third-party packages.
  • Summary
    • Development cost - above average.
    • Wide choice of candidates.
    • Fayrix cases with Java: ACTech, Fayrix Education Platform.
(Ruby on Rails)
Ruby is a powerful web application framework. Includes everything you need to work with HTTP and databases. Ideal for starting and launching a project. It is actively used in web development, system administration and in the operation of operating systems (Mac OS X, Linux, BSD).

Can be used for:
- Network programming.
- Web services.
- Mobile applications for the end user.
- Cross-platform development.
  • Pros
    • Refers to super-high level programming languages (VHLL), has a high level of abstraction and a substantive approach to the implementation of algorithms.
    • Easily integrates high-performance database servers (DB2, MySQL, Oracle and Sybase).
    • Simple software interface for creating multi-threaded applications.
    • Syntax convenient and simplicity.
    • Support for the latest programming approaches.
    • Large number of ready-made solutions.
    • Community support.
  • Cons
    • Callback-hell.
    • Not suitable for multithreading.
    • Bad for computing.
    • A large number of third-party packages.
  • Summary
    • Development cost - above average.
    • Wide choice of candidates.
    • Fayrix cases with Java: ACTech, Fayrix Education Platform.
C# (.Net Core)
C # is a general-purpose programming language that follows object-oriented programming and is used for desktop, mobile, and enterprise applications. Due to developed infrastructure and excellent integration with the desktop infrastructure, Azure allows you to run highly loaded applications in a short time.

Can be used for:
- Online games.
- Web services and applications.
- Mobile applications for Android and iOS.
- Any Windows program.
  • Pros
    • Superior Azure Integration.
    • Lots of tools are free of charge for small companies and some individual developers - Visual Studio, Azure cloud, Windows Server, Parallels Desktop for Mac Pro, etc.
    • Automatic "garbage collection". This means that in most cases we do not have to worry about the memory space.
    • Great solution for Windows desktop applications.
    • Designed for high-load enterprise solutions.
  • Cons
    • Priority focus on the Windows platform.
    • C# language is free only for small firms, individual programmers, startups and students. For a large company, the purchase of a licensed version of this language will cost a lot.
    • C # is very easy to disassemble and the code may become public.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with C#: BioNexus, BioRad.
(Django, Flask)
Python is a universal, modern, high-level Java language that benefits from structured, well-readable code. It is widely used in projects for machine learning services. Python syntax is as lightweight as possible, allowing you to learn it in a relatively short time. The core of the language has a very convenient structure, and a wide range of built-in libraries allows you to use an impressive set of useful functions and features.

Can be used for:
- Web services development.
- Can be used both to run scripts and in interactive shell mode.
  • Pros
    • A large number of libraries for working with ML / AI and for data analysis.
    • The best solution for working with Big Data.
    • Allows to create web applications using Django, Flask.
    • Quite easy to learn, especially at the initial stage.
    • Syntax features encourage the programmer to write well-read code.
    • Provides rapid prototyping and dynamic semantics.
  • Cons
    • Python is not the fastest among programming languages. Program execution speed may be lower.
    • Not the most convenient language for mobile development.
    • Due to the flexibility of data types, Python memory consumption is not minimal.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Python: SCR, Biosense.

Front-end development

The front end of a website is the part that users interact with. Everything that you see when you're navigating around the Internet, from fonts and colours to dropdown menus and sliders, is a combo of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript being controlled by your computer's browser. Front-end developers are responsible for a website's user-facing code and the architecture of its immersive user experiences. What is more, front-end devs need to be familiar with frameworks like Bootstrap, Foundation, Backbone, AngularJS, and EmberJS, which ensure great-looking content no matter the device, and libraries like jQuery and LESS, which package code into a more useful, time-saving form.
React - is JavaScript library, it's source code was opened by Facebook in 2013. This framework is great for creating huge web applications where data can change on a regular basis. There is a lot that can be done on React js - both large projects with a complex structure, and something modest. React is popular within startups - since with this tool it is easier to get paid back than with Angular.

Can be used for:
- Web services development.
- Can be used both to run scripts and in interactive shell mode.
- Development of landing pages and mobile applications.
  • Pros
    • A large number of libraries for working with ML / AI and for data analysis.
    • The best solution for working with Big Data.
    • Allows to create web applications using Django, Flask.
    • Quite easy to learn, especially at the initial stage.
    • Syntax features encourage the programmer to write well-read code.
    • Provides rapid prototyping and dynamic semantics.
    • Great for team development, strict adherence to the UI, and workflow template.
  • Cons
    • Python is not the fastest among programming languages. Program execution speed may be lower.
    • Not the most convenient language for mobile development.
    • Due to the flexibility of data types, Python memory consumption is not minimal.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Python: SCR, Biosense.
Angular is a JavaScript framework. The library helps to create web applications that should be load only once. This technology has a fairly low entry threshold, so it often becomes the next and quite logical step after learning JS. Creating applications on Angular JS is very perspective and continues to gain popularity.

Can be used for:
- Large projects with a rigid structure.
- Hybrid and SPA applications.
  • Pros
    • Detailed documentation.
    • Two-way data binding that provides superior application behavior and minimizes the risks of possible errors.
    • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel), that allows developers to work separately in the same section using the same data set.
    • Angular saves you time. Using the correct system, the structure can be an ideal environment for creating huge applications.
  • Cons
    • Complex syntax that comes from the first version of Angular.
    • Migration problems that may occur when moving from an old version to a new one.
  • Summary
    • High development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Angular: SCR.
Vue is JavaScript framework that was launched in 2013. It is ideal for creating adaptable user interfaces and complex single-page applications. Easily integrates into projects using other JavaScript libraries.

Can be used for:
- Small projects that need to add a little reactivity.
- Large projects - it's easy to scale.
- Creating a frontend blog on popular CMS.
  • Pros
    • Adaptability. Vue.js provides fast transition period from other frameworks to Vue.js.
    • Amazing integration. Vue.js can be used to create single-page applications, as well as for more complex web-based application interfaces.
    • Great scaling. Vue.js helps to develop fairly large reusable templates with simple structure.
    • Tiny size. Vue.js can weigh about 20 KB and at the same time maintain its own speed and flexibility.
  • Cons
    • Lack of resources. Vue.js still has a fairly small market share compared to React or Angular.
    • Risk of excessive flexibility. Sometimes Vue.js may have problems integrating into huge projects.
    • Lack of documentation in English. This leads to some difficulties at various stages of development.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Vue: TKO.

Mobile development

Mobile development is one of the most intriguing parts of software development because it presents a unique opportunity for an offshore mobile app development team to build usable and meaningful app in a relatively short period of time. The development process includes creating software bundles, implementing backend services and testing the application on target devices. Visit Fayrix services to find out more about services for mobile app development.
Kotlin supports both object-oriented and procedural programming. Kotlin programs are written in the main function, which passes an array of command line arguments. Kotlin is very similar to Swift development language.
  • Pros
    • 100% Java compatible. Java methods can be called from Kotlin. This is an advantage not only for developers, but also for companies with a large Java code base.
    • Easy to support. In addition, developers can work with any familiar set of tools.
    • Reliability. The latest version of Kotlin is backwards compatible with all previous versions.
    • Easy to study. Kotlin is easier to learn than Java, because it does not require any knowledge in the field of mobile application development.
    • Android Studio Support.
  • Cons
    • Compilation speed. In some cases, it occurs very quickly, while in others it is noticeably slower.
    • Less community support. Kotlin has a small community of developers, and therefore the number of resources for learning this language is limited.
    • Lack of developers. The lack of talent in developing Android applications concerns Kotlin more than Java.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Kotlin: European Train app (nda), Moscow Active citizen app, Moscow Our city app.
Swift is a programming language developed by Apple. Swift allows to write applications for desktop, mobile applications, servers. He has a Playground environment where you can see the result of programming on the fly.
  • Pros
    • Ideal for developing Apple ecosystem programs.
    • Dynamic libraries for iOS.
    • High performance.
    • High code security.
    • Full stack potential and multi-device support.
  • Cons
    • Swift language is still very young. It still has a very limited number of native libraries and tools.
    • Poor compatibility with third-party tools and IDEs.
    • Lack of tech support for the earlier iOS versions.
  • Summary
    • Development cost - above the average.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Swift: Moscow Active citizen app, European Train app.
Java is a programming language and computing platform that was first released in 1995. Java is fast, highly protected, and reliable. Despite the growing popularity of Go and Python, Java has remained at the top of the list for more than a decade. And its everywhere - from laptops to data centers, from game consoles to supercomputers used for scientific research, etc.

Can be used for:
- Android applications. Despite the active growth of Kotlin, Java is still the de facto main language of Android applications. Thus, all Java developers can very easily become Android programmers. Although Android uses the Android SDK instead of the JDK, however, the code is written in Java.
- Software products. Among other important things, Java was used to create Eclipse, OpenOffice, Gmail, Atlassian and others.
- Financial programs. Java is one of the most sought-after languages in financial industry. It is used to create reliable, fast and simple websites both on the server side and on the client side.
- POS. Many companies are using Java to create PoS systems, since their creation usually requires cross-platform and an extensive staff of specialists.
- Trading systems. One of the popular bank management program for front-end and feedback Murex was also written in Java.
- Big Data Software. What is more Hadoop was written in Java. Scala, Kafka and Spark use the JVM. In addition, Java provides access to many proven libraries, debugging and monitoring tools.
  • Pros
    • Large community, so developers can get help on almost any issue.
    • Cross-platform - it is not limited to the development of Android applications. Java is also great for developing cross-platform applications.
    • Resources. Since Android is developed in Java, this language has ready-made libraries and SDKs to facilitate the development process.
  • Cons
    • Speed. Java requires more memory and, compared to other languages, could performance much slower.
    • Java is harder to write code. Java code is long, and therefore, it takes more time to write, it has more errors and bugs.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Java: European Train app (nda), Moscow Active citizen app (previous versions), Moscow Our City app.
Objective-C is an object-oriented extension of the C language, which is based on the Smalltalk paradigm. The vast majority of applications on the App Store are written on Objective-C and when studying programming for iOS or macOS, it is the fundamental basis. Objective-C is used for programming and creating applications for any device from Apple: iPhone, Mac, Apple Watch or even CarPlay.
  • Pros
    • Objective-C provides the developer with much more flexibility in compare with C ++, and many other languages.
    • Documentation and large community of developers.
    • Dynamic typing. In some cases, this can indeed be a key advantage.
    • Syntax simplicity.
  • Cons
    • Dynamic typing assumes the possibility of (skipping) errors even during compilation. In particular, commonplace typos can seriously delay the process.
    • Limited functionality.
    • Not the highest performance, again caused by dynamic typing.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
React Native
React Native is an open source framework that was introduced by Facebook in 2015. But today it is already possible to talk about the maturity of the framework itself and the builders that make cross-platform development of mobile applications possible. ReactNative has the same economical appeal as hybrid apps. Developers can build one app, then tailor it to cover multiple devices with only minor changes.
  • Pros
    • A common code base. In fact, you are developing 2 separate versions of the application (for iOS and Android). But the code will be 65-70% the same.
    • Similar to the native language. React Native uses native APIs. There are no problems with tabs and scrolling, and the interface behaves as responsive as in a classic application.
    • Large community of developers.
  • Cons
    • Not suitable for 3D games. Or products requiring physics and heavy graphics.
    • Poorly working with complex animations.
    • Young framework. That causes constant monitoring of the latest versions of the framework and its libraries.
  • Summary
    • High development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with React Native: Citymatica.
Flutter — This is a framework for creating mobile applications from Google. Flutter is suitable for creating applications used on mobile, desktop and web platforms. It allows to compile the created project for 3 operating systems: Android, iOS, Fuchsia.
  • Pros
    • Dart language. Dart has a clean and incredibly powerful syntax that sets the ideal conditions for creating a clear architecture and application design
    • High speed. Flutter applications are compiled into machine code using the graphics and visualization engine built into C / C++, so applications are very fast and high-performance.
    • Easy to learn.
    • Great design. Two powerful things were originally laid in the foundation of Flutter: excellent language (Dart) and fast, high-performance rendering engine (Skia).
  • Cons
    • Dart adds the extra cost of implementing Flutter by having to learn a new language.
    • In Flutter, all new UI elements appearing on the platform side must be redrawn.
    • Less amount of libraries than for native development.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Vue: Moscow Transport app.
Xamarin platform allows to develop native builds for the target platforms and create high-performance applications with a native look. From a technical point of view, for cross-platform development, Xamarin uses a single C # language and libraries wrapped in a .NET layer.
  • Pros
    • A single technology stack for development on all platforms.
    • Performance is close to the native one.
    • Native UI.
    • Hardware Compatibility.
    • Open Source Technologies with Enterprise Support.
    • Easy to support.
    • Includes complete development tools package.
  • Cons
    • Limited access to the open-source libraries.
    • Limited ecosystem.
    • Xamarin is not suitable for high-performance graphics applications.
    • Large application size.
    • Integration Challenges.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Xamarin: BioNexus.

Content management systems

A content management system (CMS) is a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. CMSes are typically used for enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM).
WordPress is the most common CMS in the world. It is free and is being developed with the help of a huge community of users. By default, WordPress provides only minimal possibilities for organizing a blog, but thanks to its extensions, users turn a simple engine into a universal tool for creating various sites.
  • Pros
    • Easy to use control panel.
    • Gutenberg Editor, providing new features for changing the site interface and managing records.
    • A huge number of templates and extensions that make WP a universal system.
    • A powerful knowledge base.
    • Constant updates.
  • Cons
    • Low Security.
    • Slow performance when using a large number of plugins.
    • DOES NOT support high loads.
  • Summary
    • Low development cost.
    • High number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with WordPress: Revoleto, MDM.
Joomla is a universal open source content management system with the ability to expand functionality by installing plugins. It is written in PHP and JavaScript, using MySQL.
  • Pros
    • Easy to start.
    • Many plugins are available.
    • Open source CMS.
  • Cons
    • Low security level.
    • Lack of updates.
    • Low performance.
    • Few basic features.
  • Summary
    • Low development cost.
    • High number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with Joomla: Lawer website.
ModX is a powerful content management system that is designed to work with both simple (company websites) and complex projects (portals, website directories, online stores). Today, users have two options for CMS: Modx Evolution and Modx Revolutoin. The first version is no longer supported by developers, but is still popular among users (especially old sites). The second version is relevant and today is supported by MODX LLC.
  • Pros
    • Any design options are available.
    • Website development of any complexity: from a landing page to an online store.
    • Cross-browser and cross-platform CMS.
    • Easy SEO adaptation.
    • ModX allows you to work simultaneously on two sites.
    • Convenient tag syntax. This is one of the main differences between this tool and other open source CMS.
    • Allows simultaneous work on two sites.
  • Cons
    • Limited number of built-in templates.
    • Limited amount of useful materials.
    • Original terminology that significantly differs from that used in other CMS.
    • Vulnerability issues.
  • Summary
    • Below the average development cost.
    • Slightly below average number of vacancies.
    • Fayrix cases with ModX: landing pages.
Shopify is a CMS constructor for online and offline stores. It is one of the most famous online constructors of online stores in the world, with 400,000 customers.
  • Pros
    • Support of advanced, extremely fashionable, useful technologies for displaying 3D-models and even AR.
    • Integration with a bunch of marketplaces and social networks.
    • Convenience of mobile store management.
    • Many templates, flexible means of customizing the design and structure of each page.
    • Powerful built-in application store.
    • Free trial period.
  • Cons
    • Paid use of the platform.
    • Customization is quite complicated.
    • Almost all useful modules are paid.
  • Summary
    • Average development cost.
    • Average number of vacancies.
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