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Your Own Offshore R&D Center Vendor

Build a dedicated offshore development center with Fayrix and get cost-effective and reliable way to build the product of your dream.
Give us few words on your situation and we'll get back to you in 2 days with detailed cost & terms estimations

Fayrix ODC benefits

Many well-known companies have already built their offshore development centers. You might question why it's worth considering an ODC?
The full team is formed in 2 weeks after signing a contract.
Setting up and polishing to perfection all operational and administrative processes.
Professional training, mentorships, and assessments.
Legal support. We undertake full legal security obligations.
Companies using Fayrix ODC
We've already built fruitful partnerships and gained the trust of Mail.ru Group, MMD Smart, BFROW, SCR, Grupo Bimbo, 40 SIIM, ACTech, Sberbank, S7 Airlines, Biosense Webster and many others.
Your own offshore Research and Development Center with Fayrix

Why choose Fayrix?

More products
We set up your workspace so you'll get a private office for your brand.
You start to work with your offshore team the same way you do with your colleagues at home.
We explore your business issues, vision, culture and build a dedicated team for you.
Before any project we investigate business and technology challenges to form a dedicated team strategy.
How it works?
Dedicated team options
Success stories
Get team quotation
Provide some information on your project and we will send you a detailed proposal about the possible cost of the team free of charge.
Need software development? Provide your email or phone number and we will get back to you shortly with more details.
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